Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dear momy

Assalamualaikum kalau tak jawab dosa kalau jawab sayang..

Dear mom.. i know u dont read this.. but someday someone will introduce you to my blog.. i hope u read this.. cause of my ego, my time i cant say i love u everyday and call u every single hour, like the other siblings does . im the eldest n i have my own opinion in life. let me discover myself cause mom,,, u had taught me everything.. i understand it but never experience it yet..
                                             your stubborn daughter 

Mommy mommy
Look at me
See what all I can be
Mommy mommy
Aren't you wowed
What can I do to make you proud
Mommy mommy
Please get out of bed
I'm tired mistaking you to be dead
Mommy mommy
Please don't cry
You and daddy don't have to say good bye
Mommy mommy
Did I do good
I did the best that I could
Mommy mommy
I didn't mean to make you part
And make daddy break your heart
Momma momma
No need for shame
I will take all the blame
Momma Momma

I hope you're happy
Because you've meon your side

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